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Re: ThinkPad 701 w/OS/2 and Linux

> Does anyone have experiance with using OS/2 and Linux on their ThinkPad, particulary the 701?  I need 
> some assistance on installation and booting.  I currently have HPFS, Boot Manager, and FAT for PC-DOS.  
> Thanks.
> Paul Khoury
> pkhoury@earthlink.net

I ran both os2 3.0 (Warp) and an older slackware linux on the
701CS with 24MB and the 340 MB HD. In both cases the installation
went smoothly. The application of an os2 service pack screwed the
entire system up but I didn't have the time to find out why.

As to linux on the 701: Have a look at


There are two links for information about this model.

Christoph Eyrich
