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Re: new tpad - advice?


Currently your TP755 is upgradable through 3gb Hard Drives and CPU upgrades
to Pentium Class. Total System Storage Capacity can be expanded to 6gb with
the External HDD Shell. It looks like that your system should be able to run
everything you mentouned without any problems. I am sending out upgrade
catalog for your system. We also are upgrading many of the Thimkpads for much
less than the purchase price of  a new system. Please conatct me if you have
any other questions or needs.

Best Regards,

email: pepsale2@portables.com
Portable Enhancements
The Portable Upgrade ExpertsTM
Up to 3GB in your Notebook!
WEB: http://www.portables.com

========Original Message========

Subj:	new tpad - advice?
Date:	97-04-11 20:13:28 EDT
From:	pete@poppy.demon.co.uk (Peter Goddard)
To:	thinkpad@cs.utk.edu

So... I've made the decision to upgrade my 755CE. I see in CompUSA's
site that there is a Thinkpad 760XDwith a 166Mhz MMX Pentium, funnily
enough this model is not on www.pc.ibm.com anyone got one of these,
what's your impression. I need to run NT, DOS (for games) and Linux so
a disk greater than 2Gb would be good, is this possible? Should I hang
on a bit longer, anyone heard of any fab Thinkpads in the offing,maybe
with 13" screens from Sharp's Wide Aperture Technology. Any hints
welcomed. TIA
"All good quotes eventually  | pete@poppy.demon.co.uk
appear in Newsgroups"        | or pete@poppyfilms.co.uk
Oskar Wild