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Possible 560 newbie

Benjamin S. Kim wrote:
 > I'm currently a Mac PowerBook 5300c user (32/750 sys 7.5.5) and am
 > considering moving to a ThinkPad 560.  I have a few questions,
 Welcome into the fold! <g>
 > 1.  Can I use my Mac peripherals?  I have a SCSI Zip drive and SCSI
 > 2v CD-ROM drive and would like to know if I can just download new Win
 > drivers to use with them.  On that note, I was wondering if anyone
 > had experience with Adaptec's SlimSCSI PCMCIA adapters.  I also have
 > Mac printer and was wondering if there was anything comparable to
 > "PowerPrint" which allows Macs to use PC printers.
 If it is SCSI and you use the Adaptec SlimSCSI PCMCIA, you will be
 There also may be a postscript driver which your Apple printer can use
 (you also need to check to get the right cable ... if push comes to
 Black Box is a good place to order ANY cables, but expensive).
 > 2.  Does the lack of a L2 cache hurt its performance severely?  I'll
 > doing a bit of Photoshop work and would like to know if I should wait
 > until a more powerful 560 comes around (has one been announced? any
 > insider gossip?).
 Not sure on this one.  It won't be the L2 cache that causes the bottle
 necks, IMNSHO, but the RAM itself ... if you get at least 32 or even
 64, you should be fine (especially since you are doing alot of photo
 > 3.  What kind of backup devices are people using with 560's?  I'm
 > considering getting a SCSI Travan-4 or a much cheaper parallel-port
 > Seagate TapeStor3200 despite its slow performance.
 Travan-4 are very good!
 > 4.  What mail order retailers do people recommend?  I'd like to get a
 > 40/2.1/133mhz/12.1 TFT one for around $4300, but would buy a
 > well-maintained used one (I've seen a couple of them hovering in the
 > $2600 range).
 CDW is a pretty decent place ... also try PC Connection.
 > 5.  Does NT workstation 4 work well on a 560?  What have people's
 > experiences been with trying to configure peripherals with it?
 Works well on my 760E.  Should not have any problems.
 > Whew...well, that's all.  Reply privately, if all these issues have
 > driven into the ground already.
 > Thanks in advance,
 > Ben
 1 Bob Angell, Principal - Sys. Engineer/Author/Consultant
 2 Applied Info & Mgnt Sys, 1238 Fenway Ave., SLC, UT 84102 
 3 v: 801-583-8544 e: aimsllc@ibm.net / bangell@cs.utah.edu
 4 --------------------------------------------------------
 5 Applied Info & Mngmnt Systems has services as follows:  
 6 Intra/Internet, Notes, Multiplatform integration
 7 Networking (TCPIP,etc), Custom (AWK-PERL-C-Visualizer),
 8 Database dsgn/dev. (DB2-SQLserver-Oracle-etc.), Modeling
 9 OS's (Win95;Warp/NT Server; AIX / HP-UX / SunOS; OS/400)
10 --------------------------------------------------------
11 "Had Mama Cass and Karen Carpenter shared that Ham sand-
12 wich, they would both be with us today!"

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The original message was received at Tue, 6 May 1997 22:08:15 GMT
from uucp@localhost

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<thinkpads@cs.utk.edu>  (unrecoverable error)

   ----- Transcript of session follows -----
... while talking to cs.utk.edu.:
>>> RCPT To:<thinkpads@cs.utk.edu>
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550 <thinkpads@cs.utk.edu>... User unknown

   ----- Original message follows -----

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Benjamin S. Kim wrote:
> I'm currently a Mac PowerBook 5300c user (32/750 sys 7.5.5) and am
> considering moving to a ThinkPad 560.  I have a few questions, though:

Welcome into the fold! <g>

> 1.  Can I use my Mac peripherals?  I have a SCSI Zip drive and SCSI NEC
> 2v CD-ROM drive and would like to know if I can just download new Win
> drivers to use with them.  On that note, I was wondering if anyone has
> had experience with Adaptec's SlimSCSI PCMCIA adapters.  I also have a
> Mac printer and was wondering if there was anything comparable to
> "PowerPrint" which allows Macs to use PC printers.

If it is SCSI and you use the Adaptec SlimSCSI PCMCIA, you will be fine.
There also may be a postscript driver which your Apple printer can use
(you also need to check to get the right cable ... if push comes to
Black Box is a good place to order ANY cables, but expensive).
> 2.  Does the lack of a L2 cache hurt its performance severely?  I'll be
> doing a bit of Photoshop work and would like to know if I should wait
> until a more powerful 560 comes around (has one been announced? any
> insider gossip?).

Not sure on this one.  It won't be the L2 cache that causes the bottle
necks, IMNSHO, but the RAM itself ... if you get at least 32 or even
64, you should be fine (especially since you are doing alot of photo
> 3.  What kind of backup devices are people using with 560's?  I'm
> considering getting a SCSI Travan-4 or a much cheaper parallel-port
> Seagate TapeStor3200 despite its slow performance.

Travan-4 are very good!
> 4.  What mail order retailers do people recommend?  I'd like to get a
> 40/2.1/133mhz/12.1 TFT one for around $4300, but would buy a
> well-maintained used one (I've seen a couple of them hovering in the
> $2600 range).

CDW is a pretty decent place ... also try PC Connection.
> 5.  Does NT workstation 4 work well on a 560?  What have people's
> experiences been with trying to configure peripherals with it?

Works well on my 760E.  Should not have any problems.
> Whew...well, that's all.  Reply privately, if all these issues have been
> driven into the ground already.
> Thanks in advance,
> Ben

 1 Bob Angell, Principal - Sys. Engineer/Author/Consultant
 2 Applied Info & Mgnt Sys, 1238 Fenway Ave., SLC, UT 84102 
 3 v: 801-583-8544 e: aimsllc@ibm.net / bangell@cs.utah.edu
 4 --------------------------------------------------------
 5 Applied Info & Mngmnt Systems has services as follows:  
 6 Intra/Internet, Notes, Multiplatform integration
 7 Networking (TCPIP,etc), Custom (AWK-PERL-C-Visualizer),
 8 Database dsgn/dev. (DB2-SQLserver-Oracle-etc.), Modeling
 9 OS's (Win95;Warp/NT Server; AIX / HP-UX / SunOS; OS/400)
10 --------------------------------------------------------
11 "Had Mama Cass and Karen Carpenter shared that Ham sand-
12 wich, they would both be with us today!"
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