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Recordable CD (CD-R) as backup devices?

Bob Angell wrote:

> Benjamin S. Kim wrote:
> > [...]
> > 3.  What kind of backup devices are people using with 560's?  I'm
> > considering getting a SCSI Travan-4 or a much cheaper parallel-port
> > Seagate TapeStor3200 despite its slow performance.
> Travan-4 are very good!

Is anyone else thinking about basing their backup strategies on
write-once CD ROM drives?  I'm planning on it, but have been holding
out for the price of 4x write CD-R (record once) cd drives to come
down enough.

Though 650 MB isn't huge - nowhere near travan TR-4 4GB - the media is
so convenient!  I envision copying the image of the installed OS on
one CD, then cumulative incrementals of changes and addons on others.
Gives you the ability to read the backups random-access on any CD ROM
drive (once the incrementals packet-written sessions are closed), a
not trivial benefit.  Plus the media is *cheap* - it's supposed to be
the least expensive option around, at this point.

(I would be doing all this on my desktop PC, but there are external
CD-R drives available that could be hooked up with a SCSI port on a

> > 4.  What mail order retailers do people recommend?  I'd like to get a
> > 40/2.1/133mhz/12.1 TFT one for around $4300, but would buy a
> > well-maintained used one (I've seen a couple of them hovering in the
> > $2600 range).
> CDW is a pretty decent place ... also try PC Connection.

I've been very happy with Necx Direct - http://necxdirect.necx.com.
Their prices seem as good as any of the the others that people have
mentioned, and i love the ability to find items and details about the

Ken Manheimer		klm@cnri.reston.va.us	    703 620-8990 x268
	    (orporation for National Research |nitiatives

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