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RE: Dock I SCSI connector


I believe that you are wrong.

I have both a DockII and a DOCK2 and the DOCK1 has a Strange IBM 
proprietary connector on the back of it.  As for the inside of the 
machine, it also has a STRANGE connecter on the motherboard that that 
converts to a standard 50pin connector if you buy the $37 cable (Sorry 
I cannot find the cable number

Buy the way, the Dock2 has a Future Domain controller in it while the 
DOCK2 has an Adaptec 1520 controller in it.


-----Original Message-----
From:	Steve Hultquist [SMTP:ssh@wwsi.com]
Sent:	Tuesday, May 13, 1997 12:40 PM
To:	Daniel Cerys
Cc:	thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject:	Re: Dock I SCSI connector

The DOCK I has a SCSI II connector on the back of it. Any standard 
II cable works. It's a weird Adaptec 152x compatible adapter, BTW.
Steve Hultquist, President                   Worldwide Solutions, 
Internet Integration - Technology Engineering        Boulder, 
mailto:ssh@wwsi.com       +1.303.581.0800 