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755CDV Lockup

	I've suddenly started having problems with my 755CDV. I will, of course, 
call IBM service, however as they never sent me anything back when I sent in my 
registration card it may take me a while to find out where I should telephone. 
In the meantime I thought I'd ask around to find out if my problems are at all 
typical, so that I'll be better prepared when talking to the service guys.
	I have two major problems. The first came on suddenly. The machine 
refuses to recognise that PCMCIA cards are present. The self-test gives OK for 
the PCMCIA slot I (slot II is shaded out). I work under win95, so I re-installed 
the IBM PC Wizard, but still no luck.
	The second problem has come on slowly. The machien has started locking 
up. At first I thought it was problems of the applications or win95, now however 
the problem is easily reproduced. If, say, I turn the machine on and load media 
player with any old AVI, then let it play continuously, the machine will 
eventually lock up (after between one and two hours). The only way to reboot is 
to unplug the machine, and take out the battery. I suspect a problem of 
	Anyway, any comments, hints or annecdotes would be appreciated.