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Re: TP 365XD questions

On Wed, 14 May 1997, Ken wrote:

> Second, rather unrelated question, I have been looking at scanners as I may
> be entering the internet publishing business with a photog friend of mine.
> All of his photos are slides, not pix.  So far, I haven't found a scanner
> that reads slides.  Is there such a puppy?  Maybe use a service bureau of
> some sort?  Costs?  Any help or ideas will be greatly appreciated!!

You're looking for a slide scanner.  The Nikon SuperCoolscan is
recommended by a lot of photographers/graphics artists.  But if
you're at all serious about scanning, you're best off with
Photo CD.  ADI (www.adiweb.com) has the lowest prices of the pro
labs ($2/scan, less in quantity).  Go to http://photo.net/photo
for lots of good info on photography, scanning, and web publishing.

Good luck.
John H. Kim