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Re: Replacing the 701

Does anybody know of a store or place where a user can trade in a used 701 for another used ThinkPad, 
with similar or better hardware without having to pay too much more?  Although I like my 701, I would rather 
have a ThinkPad without the folding keyboard.  The keyboard has put a lot of stress on the hinges, and the 
left hinge is already broken, so all the support is from the right hinge and the ends.  And I also like the 
keyboard feel of the regular ThinkPad keyboards.  Any help is appreciated.  Also, does anybody know how to 
make the internal 701modem, or any of IBM's other PCMCIA modems (any speed) setup on "leased line" 
modem, so I can sort-of network it to my other machines?  I have four other machines that I need to share 
information with.  Thanks for your help.

Paul Khoury