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Re: Future Think Pads

On Wed, 23 Apr 97 21:19:05 +0800, Stephen Hosmer wrote:

>The TP760Cd does have stereo speakers, and a great keyboard.  It's just that we 
>don't have a floppy and CD at the same time.  Or at least we don't untill IBM gets 
>some stock on the external floppy connection cable.
>Does anyone have a solution to allow use of the flop and CD together?
>On Thu, 17 Apr 1997 03:37:27 EDT, sirgwynz@juno.com wrote:
>>I'm not too sure what the Mwave board is about, but the 365 models are SB
>>Pro compatible.
>>It would've been nice tho to have 2 built in speakers for the stereo,
>>much like the Sharp laptops,
>>but only if could be done without sacrificing the keyboard :)
Has anyone checked out the ThinkPad 380?  I think I heard from tech support that it comes with up to a 13" 
LCD and a 3.0GB HD.  Don't quote me on this, however, because I don't remember for sure.


Paul Khoury