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Re: 701 HD compatibility

FWIW I replaced my 701's 720MB HDD with a 1.3GB Toshiba MK-1301MAV
about a year ago and have not had the slightest problem, apparant

On Thu, 12 Jun 1997, Peter Lewis wrote:

> IBM 701 tech support guy I spoke with today advised against installing any
> thing other than an IBM HD into the 701. He maintained that non IBM drives
> either wouldn't fit, or if they did fit, would not work because of a
> proprietary IBM connector. 
> Clearly, there's a corporate self interest in saying this, and I gather
> from other posts to this list that many have successfully installed
> non IBM HDs into 701s.
> My question is: are there any non IBM HDs to *avoid*? For example, I've
> got a line on a 720HD that may have come from a new NEC or TI. Any reason
> to believe they wouldn't work in the TP701? 
> Thanks in advance.
> Peter
> [Aside to PEP Sales: If you wish to post to list, fine, but no need to
> email me privately].