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Attn: TP 701 Owners

(This must have been mentioned before but since I am rather new to the
ThinkPad Mailing List I haven't seen it until recently when searching for
a VGA driver for my TP 701CS)

              A T T E N T I O N   TP 701    O W N E R S!

I found a highly informative web site dedicated to the ThinkPad 701;
called Craig's IBM Butterfly Page at:


Craig has many links to all sorts of IBM and other sources.  I've found it
most useful, in fact, I now use it as my initial web source for
information on the TP 701.  I hope you also find it useful.  

         David Howery                                        
    Department of Biology       Email - dhowery@trincoll.edu 
       Trinity College            Phone - (860) 297-5189                 
      300 Summit Street          FAX - (860) 297-2538                 
    Hartford, CT  06106-3100