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Mwave in other countries?

This has all the potential to be a really juicy question..

The latest verson of the Mwave software lets you choose what country you are 
in, via one of the icons in the Mwave Thinkpad group that it creates. When you 
choose a country, it tells you that 'You should berify that the country type of 
the Data Access Arrangement (DAA) attached to your computer matches the 
selected country' and that you should restart any telephony programs. 

One of my more adventurous users, having just switched from a Mac to a Thinkpad 
(the good side of the Force wins again :-) ) and from Groupwise to Notes, tried 
to use his 760 in Germany. He's very familiar with getting the phone line to 
work, but after making the Mwave switch to Germany, and getting the above 
message, he thought, 'Ok, this DAA business means do I have the right kind of 
connection to their phone lines' and proceeded. However, Notes didn't detect 
the modem at all.

I don't think that this is a Note problem (ok, I'm praying it isn't) but rather 
Mwave being subtle and saying that it doesn't speak German for some reason. Is 
there some sort of software or configuration that I just have not found on the 
IBM website yet? 

I should point out that when the user switches it back to US and Canada 
settings, and dials in back here, it works just fine.. so the country choosing 
ability seems to be the culprit. I just need some ideas on how to get this 
sucker to work!

Nick Rushizky