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Re: rebooting to win3.1

On Wed, 23 Jul 1997 rdebeck@islandnet.com wrote:

> Select the option to go to the command line.
> On the command line type:
> c:/os2/boot /dos

This should be c:\os2\boot /dos

This might or might not work, since the system might hang on one of the
drivers which is needed by the system to get up (such as keyboard drivers,
floppy drivers, disk drivers, ...)

LArs Evensen, Overordnet TillitsValgt (OTV) ved FIM, NTNU
E.B.Schieldrops Vei 11-16             E-mail : larsev@stud.math.ntnu.no
7033 Trondheim                        WWW : http://www.fm.unit.no/~larsev/
Norway                                Phone :  + 47 - 73 88 89 01