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RE: Shark removable 250MB ? was Iomega ZIP vs. JAZ

At 08:45 PM 8/7/97 -0700, Randal Whittle wrote:

>	SyQuest had their chance--I used their 105 MB removable (not the 135 MB
>that competed with the zip early on) and later their 270 MB removable
>(which I still have), but the media cost *way* too much.  With Zip disks as
>low as $15 a piece and sold in packages like floppies (not to mention
>*looking* like floppies), they're hard to resist.

Syquest 135 disks have always been about  3 for $45 to $50 (locally, not 
mail order), which is roughly equal to zip for 35% more room and performance
more like a real hard drive.  That doesn't sound like "*way* too much" to me.

The performance difference really came home when I copied ~50 mb from a zip to 
my syquest.  The activity light was on pretty much continously for the zip
and that same data rate had the syquest activity light on about 20% of the time.

What Syquest was really missing that put Zip in the lead was a rad color plastic

-Don Perley
