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760E and NT4.0

Ok, is anyone on the list using NT4.0 on a 760E?  I have
been doing this for quite some time and now have been 
getting the dreaded "blue screen of death" ... and can't
decide if it is VisualAge C++ or Java that I have just
installed?!?  Any insight into this matter would be greatly

Also, would like to thank all those who have found those
bargains for replacement drives lately.  Thanks again.

   Bob Angell, Principal - Sys. Engineer/Author/Consultant
   Applied Info & Mgnt Sys, 1238 Fenway Ave., SLC, UT 84102 
   v: 801-583-8544 e: aimsllc@ibm.net / bangell@cs.utah.edu
   Applied Info & Mngmnt Systems has services as follows:  
   Intra/Internet, Notes, Multiplatform data integration,
   Networking (TCPIP-SNA), Custom (AWK-PERL-C-Visualizer),
   Database dsgn/dev. (DB2-SQLserver-Oracle-etc.), Modeling
   OS's (Win95;Warp/NT Server; AIX / HP-UX / SunOS; OS/400)
   "Had Mama Cass and Karen Carpenter shared that Ham sand-
   wich, they would both be with us today!"