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Re: Sources for 2.1 gig HDs for ThinkPad 701CS

On Thu, 14 Aug 1997 at 11:25 AM you, Gene Jablonowski <blue@enteract.com>,

>I thought that IBM did their own OEM drives?  Is it really Toshiba that
>makes them?  The IBM Travelstar specs seem better than any other slimline
>(12.7mm) drive out there, am I wrong?  Would Toshiba make a better drive
>for IBM, that IBM would turn around and OEM out anyway?  Just curious.

There is no visible sign on the Travelstar that Toshiba made it, just that
it's "OEM", "Made for IBM" and "Made in Thailand". Maybe someone who has
seen both could comment. My first impression is really good anyway.

>As for drive prices, the latest catalog from Insight (www.insight.com)
>listed a 2.1GB/12.7mm Seagate drive for $299, eye opening for me, now all
>I need is a torx T6, a power drill, a rubber mallet (wouldn't want to

What would you use the rubber mallet for? The drive+caddy combo is
designed to be removable and you can do it easily with your naked hands.

>scratch my 701) and I'm ready to upgrade.  Why pay $525 for someone else
>to do it when you can DIY?  Probably end up upgrading to 4 or 5 gig when
>those come around anyway, you know?  :) 

The DIY way was the right choice for you and me, but as someone pointed
out yesterday the service and extra hardware included in the more
expensive bundle can be of value to those who want a no hassle / no risk /
no pain solution.

Dominique Pivard <domi@kenavo.fi>
Helsinki, Finland