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Re: Troubles with 1.2.16 for OS/2

I use 1.2.16 and don't seem to have the same problems as you.  For the
first question, what was the entire message line?  Was it:
scp: dl/news.sou: No such file or directory
If so, it is not a problem with the local directory.

If you want to download multiple files, the usage is 
usage: scp [-p] f1 f2; or: scp [-pr] f1 ... fn directory
and OS/2 cmd.exe doesn't expand wildcards so you can do something like
this:  scp host:dir/* .

For the alias question, most unix's provide a method to bypass aliases.
 I tried '\' (backslash) and it worked for me.  To do your delete try:
ssh host \rm files

I noticed the use of the cdd command.  What OS/2 shell are you using? 
It may play a role.

Dayle Riddoch

On Thu, 21 Aug 1997 00:13:03 +0200, Anssi Saari wrote: 

>I recently moved to 1.2.16 from 1.2.13-02. It seems however that
>1.2.16 has problems 1.2.13-02 does not. For example, I have this
>simple script I use to grab mail from a Unix host:
>ssh kaarne pack_news
>cdd g:\mail
>scp kaarne:dl/news.sou .
>ssh kaarne rm dl/news.sou
>The scp fails with ": No such file or directory". It seems a local
>directory can't be given at all as a parameter! A local file works,
>but what if I want to download more than one file?
>The latter ssh with the rm fails also, because I have aliased rm to rm
>-i and ssh can't seem to take any input from the keyboard.
>I went back to 1.2.13-02. At least these things work there, except I
>can't specify a drive letter for scp in the local directory.
>Anssi Saari - as@tut.fi

Dayle Riddoch		driddoch@direct.ca