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RE: IBM TV Tuner

usually for $49...but they just put the darn things on the front page so it might go higher
Shipping was $11...depends on where you are.

From: 	jsmith@vines.littondsd.com[SMTP:jsmith@vines.littondsd.com]
Sent: 	Friday, August 22, 1997 12:49 PM
To: 	machule@triumf.ca
Subject: 	RE: IBM TV Tuner

Who and where is the vendor and what is the cost?

818-707-4344 (Voice), 818-707-4343 (FAX)
Original Text
From: tisol <machule@triumf.ca>, on 8/22/97 12:03 PM:
I just ordered one....(can't say no to toys ;-}  )
Should be here in a week. 

From: 	Swartz, Charles[SMTP:CSwartz@unex.ucla.edu]
Sent: 	Thursday, August 21, 1997 5:33 PM
To: 	ThinkPad Newsgroup
Subject: 	IBM TV Tuner

Onsale is offering the following TV Tuner that fits into the floppy
diskette drive:

"IBM Tuner for Thinkpad 750/755 (TFT Models)

 The TV Tuner module (P/N 66G3689) slips into the removable diskette
drive bay. It allows the
 user to hook up and external video source, such as TV cable, VCR,
Laserdisc, etc., and view it on
 the active matrix color LCD of the TP 750C/755C, as if on a TV screen.
The TV Tuner is only
 available for the 750C/755C models because the active matrix screen is
the only LCD technology
 fast enough to keep up with full-motion video. The monochrome and
passive matrix screens would
 have unacceptable image quality, due to excessive "ghosting" of images.
This module, coupled with
 the built-in speaker and audio chip (and the optional docking unit for
CD-ROM and/or
 full-motion-video adapter), and large removable hard disk drives, makes
the 750C the ideal
 traveling multimedia presentation system. For ultimate flexibility,
there is an optional kit that allows
 the diskette drive to be connected externally at the same time the TV
Tuner module is installed.
 The TV Tuner module may also be interchanged with the CDPD module. "

Anyone know whether this will also work with the TP 560 Active Matrix
TFT screen?  Maybe this is an old IBM write-up?


Charles Swartz
Department of Entertainment Studies and Performing Arts
UCLA Extension