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please help with thinkpad 750 and sound card

	I think I have the return address configured correctly.
Apologizes if this is an untrue statement.

Hello!!  I have a thinkpad 750 and am able to use the soundcard emulation
sucessfully with the games Spacedude and Wolfenstin 3D.  I don't believe
that I can get sound to work properly with Doom II.  I am trying to get
sound to work properly with Ultima VII and ultima VIII.  Any assistance
would be greatly appreciated!!!!


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kendall@chenoweth.ultranet.com          http://www.ultranet.com/~kendall
20 Eames Street, Apt #19, Framingham, MA 01702, (508) 626-2686, 628-9283 
Fidelity Investments V: (508) 787-7744, P: (800) 759-8888 (PIN #2128450)

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