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Setting up X on a 760ED

I have a 760ED 800x600 tft and I am trying to set up XFree86 for OS/2. 
I have checked www.wwsi.com and got very useful information on getting
the tft to work.

My next question is:  Does anybody use their thinkpad with XFree86 with
a monitor?  I want to run it at 1280x1024 and can't figure out the
monitor timings.  If anyone has tried this, can you please let me know
what to do or where to get more info.

System Config:
	ThinkPad 760ED  9546-U3A
	800x600 tft
	2048 KB video ram
	Trident Cyber9385 chipset
	ViewSonic 17PS monitor

Dayle Riddoch

Dayle Riddoch		driddoch@direct.ca