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RE: IrDA to printer?

On Thu, 18 Sep 97 22:57:12 HST, David Ross wrote:

>> it is still quite amazing - beam and that's it. It is at least
>> as fast as with a normal parallel cable. 
>SHould be much slower,if the spec is to be believed.  On the other hand,
>I've never made a successful IR to IR link, so can't say from personal
>- David
I like parallel better, especially when you can nearly compare a parallel 115Kbps
transfer to an ISDN line with overhead (or is parallel faster?).  I think it would
also be nice to have a networking protocol for 2 machines using parallel, so you
could also connect in Unix, OS/2 and NT.

BTW, since it has beem discussed that IrDA is the same as regular null-modem
connections, maybe it can work in Linux.  Maybe.
