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Re: why buy a dvd drive for your thinkpad?

On Tue, 23 Sep 1997 11:26:33 +1000 (EST), Alden S Klovdahl wrote:

>On Mon, 22 Sep 1997 Stefan.Tilkov@mlc.de wrote:
>> Will an IBM DVD drive for a 770 also work in "older" models, e.g. the 765?
>why on earth could anyone possibly want a dvd drive??
>if you travel internationally, to europe, to asia, anywhere else (as i 
>suspect a higher proportion of thinkpad owners than others do) you can pick 
>up a local cd-rom - perhaps language, perhaps cultural, perhaps on some 
>other topic of interest to you, or with some other functionality not locally 
>available to you - plop it in to your cd-rom drive, and away you go.
>... the cultures of the world, not subject to prior censorship on the basis
>of what someone else thinks your interests are (or should be), what someone 
>else thinks is suitable for you, what someone thinks is marketable in your 
>home country, are at your fingertips.  ...or, at minimum no farther away 
>than your mailbox.
>now, along comes dvd, and all this changes.  dvd disks produced in one global
>area will not work in the dvd drive sold to you in your area.  so ... you buy
>a dvd drive for each area for which you wish to sample the language, culture, 
>or other offerings?  you carry several dvd drives when you travel?
>how can i put it?:  buy a dvd drive and support international censorship!
>of course you are really supporting the ability of corporations to charge
>the price that earns them the highest profit in each market area.  when 
>markets are geographical distance, when the cost to the prospective buyer 
>of transporting or converting for local use the product of interest exceeds 
>the differential sellers earn, then differential pricing to maximize profit 
>is easily maintained.  with a global electronic economy, with high value
>items in light, small configurations, transport costs are greatly reduced, 
>and differential pricing can only be maintained by articfical means, eg, 
>geographical coding of dvd disks.
>in short, the global electronic economomy is fine, so long as it benefits 
>sellers, whatever the adverse consequences for buyers.
>alternative views welcomed!
>off the topic? probably.  can individuals make a difference?  probably not.
>but something to think about when/if you buy a thinkpad again.
>regards, al
> Alden S Klovdahl /   alden.klovdahl@anu.edu.au    / fax: +61 2 62 49 05 25
> Sociology Arts  / Australian National University / Canberra ACT Australia 0200 
Well, I would never buy a DVD drive unless it has OS/2 and Linux support,
otherwise, "forget it"!
