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Re: Wanting info on TP701C

On Tue, 30 Sep 1997 at 11 you, "Stanley Chen" <s.k.chen@worldnet.att.net>,

>After looking at the various notebooks, subnotebooks, and H/PCs, I've
>finally decided what I really need is the TP701. The problem is in
>finding one and finding out what one of these will really do in terms of
>everyday functionality with windows 95 and attendant software. The spec
>seem to indicate that with a proper upgrade of RAM this little notebook
>should do everything I need it to short of full blown video conferencing.
>Therefore, I'd like to join your mailing list to find out more about
>these elegant machines

There's a lot of information about the TP701 on the web. Here is a very
good starter:


Dominique Pivard <domi@kenavo.fi>
Helsinki, Finland