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RE: ESS 1688 half or full duplex?

> According to the ESS web page (http://www.esstech.com/), the 1688 is
> half duplex. 

How funny. The chart at http://www.esstech.com/Product/ISAAudio/isaaudio.htm says its half duplex, yet the technical bried at
http://www.esstech.com/Product/ISAAudio/pb1688b.pdf says the opposite.

Go figure.

Fabian Rodriguez - mailto:MagicFab@bigfoot.com - ICQ# 1485512
Coop @ Merck Frosst Labs (Montreal) - Research Information Systems
Sherbrooke, QC, Canada - http://MagicFab.home.ml.org
Visitez le code postal qui buche! http://j1k2r1.home.ml.org