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Re: CPU Upgrades for 701 model

Robert and all-

I have been reading this thread with interest....only to find the generally
same information that has been discussed before (not to imply that it is
While we have had these discussions of theory we have had NOT ONE report
(positive or negitive) of an actual upgrade installation.

Maybe what someone should do is offer to provide a published (on this list
anyway) results in exchange for half price on the upgrade.  The only fly in
the ointment would be that the ibm warranty loss is also part of the price
you would pay...

So how about someone with a couple of hundred bucks to spare and less of an
financial/emotional attachment to their 701 than I have making the offer?!
It would be rolling the dice a bit.  I wonder if they guarantee the
operation of the tp after its upgrade?  How good is their guarantee is
another good question.  I would hate the notion of a sacrifical 701.


Another thought is how about asking them to provide use of their test bed
upgraded 701 presuming they acturally have one.  There must be a bunch of us
on this list waiting for a glimer of actual upgrade success.
At 03:42 PM 10/19/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Thanks to all who replied about likely results of upgrading a TP701 486/75
>cpu with one of the AMD K5-133mhz cpu chips.  The consensus is that
>considering clock speeds, etc., the upgrade would be equivalent to
>replacing the present chip with a 486/100 DX4 chip.  The upgrade thus would
>bring about at best a marginal improvement, from 75mhz to 100mhz, which
>improvement doesn't seem to justify the $400 cost to accomplish it.
><Sigh>  I really like my little TP701 -- tyhe size, the butterfly keyboard,
>the screen (TFT) the weight, etc.  I just wish it ran a little FASTER.....
> Wonder if AMD will ever come out with a 233mhz cpu chip????
>Penn State Harrisburg