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Re: CPU Upgrades for 701 model

On Sun, 19 Oct 1997 17:36:29 -0700, you wrote:

>At 03:32 PM 10/19/97 -0700, user wrote:
>>On Sun, 19 Oct 1997, Bryan Daum wrote:
>>> The only fly in
>>> the ointment would be that the ibm warranty loss is also part of the price
>>> you would pay...
>>But since there are plenty of 701s out there that have recently gone
>>out of 2-year warranty, that might be moot.
>	Its a 3-year warranty though.  Mine still has a year to go.
	I was thinking the same thing. The 701 was released in May 1995, so
the earliest someone would be out of warranty is 5/1998. As for the
previous message, the impression I had was that it would be suggested
to PEP that they give someone half off in exchange for his
recommendations. Perhaps someone can email Leonard and ask either if
they're interested in sponsoring such a deal, or can they offer up a
701 owner as a reference?
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