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Re: CPU Upgrades for 701 model

At 08:56 AM 10/20/97 -0700, Bryan Daum wrote:
>Randy, you are the well placed in the business school,  a subsidy would be
>nice indeed!  I'd consider that myself! ;) 

	If you're suggesting I can get USC to pay for it, you're dreaming.  I'm
having a terrible time just trying to free up funds to buy a laser printer,
let alone upgrade my *personal* notebook!

	As for "well-placed"--sheesh, I'm the new guy.  I have *no* pull.  My
program is a new kid on the block that threatens the established fiefdoms
built up by well-established departments.  There are a *lot* of people that
want to make sure we stay in our corner, if you know what I mean.  Its a
political nightmare...

Randal J. Whittle		whittle@usc.edu	(213) 740-7775
Director, Electronic Commerce Program
Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California