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Re: Evergreen 701C upgrade results

These results are interesting, since (a) Gainbery (whose site seems to
have disappeared) used to show a much smaller Winstone '95 increase with
a comparable upgrade, and (b) when ZD ran Winstone '95 tests on an
Evergreen upgrade of a DX-33 system, they only measured a 40% difference
(and that wasn't starting from a clock-doubled system!)

I can't help but notice that the way that Evergreen presents the results
on their page clearly violates the licensing agreement from ZDlabs (see
http://www.zdnet.com/zdbop/winstone/license.html); in particular, they
don't say anything about video resolution, configuration (how much HD
cache?) and even what hard drive/cdrom they were using (after all,
Winstone '97 can *only* be run from a cdrom, but the 701 doesn't come
with one).

If the Winstone 97 improvements are so good, why were the laptop
upgraders on this list so reluctant to give them?

However, isn't surprising that there's a decent improvement from the DX2-50
version of the 701 to the AMD chip - the benchmarks on my CPU upgrade
web site show a decent improvement in a similar situation, from a DX2-66 to an
AMD586-133. (About 70% speedup on some apps, and 3-4 times as fast on
nonsystemic benchmarks like Norton and whetstones.)  The AMD is an
awesome chip.

> tests, then upgraded to processor to a 586 (133MHz, at least that is what
> they claim). Here are Evergreen's results:

Well, we all know that this is false.

David R.