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Re: TP 701 Upgrade by PEP

At 11:48 AM 10/31/97 -0500, David Howery wrote:
>At 08:00 AM 10/31/97 -0800, laniear@ibm.net wrote:
>>Well, if you wanted to test OS/2 I have a hard drive with a fully
>funnctioning OS/2 system 
>>on it which runs everyday, except for those occassions when I run windows
>'95.  It also has 
>>a large DB2 database (one table has 997,000 rows).  I'm not that far from
>USC and all that 
>>would have to happen is take out your hard drive in put in mine.  If you
>or anyone else is 
>>interested in trying out the upgrade on another platform.  Actually, I
>would think that 
>>there must be someone in Los Angeles who also has Linux on their ThinkPad.
>Please consider this offer.  As an OS/2 user I am very interested in the
>performance of this upgrade under OS/2.  As I offered earlier, I would be
>happy to send you a copy of Clear & Simple's Performance Plus v.4 benchmarks.

	Lee says he is here (or near) L.A., so I'm okay with it.  For the sake of
ease & simplicity, I just ask that he run it on his own system (and perhaps
everyone who has OS/2 does that too so an aggregate of the results can be
had) for the "before" so that we only have to get together once with the
upgraded machine to do the "after".

	I'd suggest that you work with him directly to get the appropriate test
suite (OS/2-based) to him (and/or that you come up with a consensus from
the list that this is a fair & appropriate test).

Randal J. Whittle		whittle@usc.edu	(213) 740-7775
Director, Electronic Commerce Program
Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California