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(TP560, applies to all) A minor Easyserve gripe

Last week my 560 failed; called IBM Sunday, box arrived Wednesday evening,
dropped off at Fedex early Thursday morning, arrived at IBM on Saturday
So far, business as usual.  I just called IBM, and
was told that they are waiting on a replacement system board, no estimated
date of arrival/repair.  Now, I've been through this before (on my 701), as
have others in this list, but increasingly I think there's no excuse for it.
If IBM is going to offer warrantees on their products, they should do something
to ensure that their main repair depot has ready access to replacement parts.
I don't think it is the customer's  fault that they change models so fast 
that the parts are only rolling off the assembly line for a month or two after
the machine is purchased.

To be honest, I thought this would be less of a problem with the 560 than with
the 701, since a version of the machine is still in production, but I guess IBM
doesn't feel like dropping a P150 board in my P133 box:-)

Anyway, that's off my chest.   Stay tuned for next week's gripe: "Why does
IBM's voicemail list choices in such a bizarre, annoying, inefficient orer?"

- David R.