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Help using a 3C589D with Linux on TP 760ED

Hello !

  I'm not certain if this is a specific ThinkPad question, but I hope somebody
can help. My setup:

  TP 760ED Type 9546X9A
  3Com 589D pcmcia ethernet card
  Windows 95
  Debian Linux 1.3.1 with pcmcia version 2.9.6-3

The problem is that Linux refuses to identify the netcard, while Windows works
without any problems.
In order to get cardmgr to work at all, I had to force it into polling mode,
otherwise insertion and removal was not detected. Now it at least detects, but
the card is simply identified as a read-only memory card :-(
Furthermore, 'sometimes' (I can't find any patterns) cardmgr locks the machine
when the card is inserted - and only the large button works after that.

To me, there seems to be two possible sources of the malfunction: either the
3com card, or the PCI-PCCard bridge chip - but I have not been able to figure
out which one causes the problems.

Any help or suggestions will be highly appreciated.

Best regards


*   Hans Moeller Pedersen   | E-mail: hmp@delta.dk                  *
*   Delta IC Design         | Phone:                                *
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*   DENMARK                 | Fax: (+45) 4586 5898                  *