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Re: re 701/560 question

> I ran across a 560P at MicroWarehouse for $1289 today. (P133/8 MB/2.1 G) A
> couple of questions:
> 	- is this a good price?

Yes, though not unusual - everyone seems to have this machine at this
price plus-or-minus $30 (some include good deals on memory).

> 	- I have a 701CS now which has a 16MB memory module in it. Any chance
> 		I'd be able to move it to the 560?

No.  Interestingly, memory for the 560 is cheaper than memory for the

> 	- has anyone else moved from a 701 to a 560 that could share their
> 		impressions with me?

The 701 is much neater and better-thought-through than the 560.  The 560
is lighter (and of course faster), has a bigger screen.  I liked my
701's footprint more (especially when I used the floppy, which I could
tuck under the wing), but I doubt I could go back.

- David