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Re: this list getting spammed too much

>  I tend to retaliate to spam in a somewhat hostile manner and always
>complain to their ISP's whenever possible.  I have no mail filters set up
>and see everything that comes in.  Being the sysadmin of my own system
>helps since I can send mail from root to their ISP's and it may add a
>little more credibility to what I tell them.

Ditto.  I go a step further in that if I ever fill anything out on the net,
I use either a modified version of my address, like merlin-ms@...   My mail
server will automatically create a sub box of my own called "ms" if a
message is recieved to that address.  Then I just check it with an IMAP
client every week or so, so I can see if I have recieved any spam in those
boxes, and then I know who sold my name.  IE< on my comdex badge, I
registered as admin-comdex@netnevada.net.  That way, when I get junk email
in that box, I'll know where it originated.

-  Vernon Brooks <merlin@netnevada.net>  -
-    Net Nevada Systems Administrator    -
-    Las Vegas, NV (702) NET-2000        -
-    PGP Public Key ID 0x2273E7C4        -
-    Encrypted Messages Preffered        -