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Re: 755CE battery charging problem

On Sun, 16 Nov 1997 17:32:55 -0800 (PST), Paul Rubin wrote:

>I've been using this 755ce for the past 1.5 hours.  The battery
>charge LED (left pointing triangle) is lit, but the battery charge
>still reads 0% on the fuel gauge.  The battery was charged last
>week, and I've been using it strictly on AC power since then, so 
>I thought it was still charged; but when I tried turning it on
>without AC, it was dead, and it still reads 0% (I'll have to log
>off and reboot to see if it's taken any charge).  This is a 755ce
>which I just bought used, so it occurs to me I've never seen it
>actually charge a battery, just verified that the LED was lit.
>Is it possible the battery has suddenly gone dead?  It worked before.
That has happened on my 701 before, either when I got a new battery, or
sometimes it would do that and still last another 45-60 minutes!

>Can it be a simple matter of software configuration?  I have power
>control set to automatic for both battery and ac.
Probably not.

>Can it be that the 755ce doesn't charge the battery while in use,
>even though the charging LED is lit?  That would mean I have to
>turn off the machine to charge the battery--not good.
The 755 is very similiar to the 355 and 360 machines, so I think that it
should be able to charge while in use.  The 355C that I have charges
while it's on, in suspend, and on.  

>Can it be that only certain power adapters can charge the battery?
>I'm using the huge, old, 50W brick.
I doubt it.  In fact, I think that 50W is sufficient for that machine.

>Or is maybe something wrong with the computer? :(((

Maybe it could be the temperature, humidity, or something like that.
Try a complete charge and discharge and tell me what happens.
