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701 - for sale @...

Just thought I'd let everyone know that MicroWarehouse (800-367-7080) is
advertising a 701C 486DX4/75, 540 MB HD, 8MB RAM, 10.4" TFT CLR for $799.
The item number is CP2525. It's been a long time since I saw these for sale
in the retail channel and thought others might interested.

This came in a flyer packed in a shipment I received a couple of days ago.
(For an 8x Panasonic PCMCIA CD-ROM w/spkrs for $199...also not a bad deal.)

Dale Chao
Concord, California

Primary email: geige@usa.net
Secondary email: geige@2xtreme.net

09/25/97: AOL IM/Buddylist: geige97 (info: www.aol.com/iam)
09/24/97: ichat pager name: dalechao (info: www.ichat.com)