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Re: HD Protect Passwords

Nope. The password is a cooperation between the drive and the
controller/carrier. Previously on this list someone took one out and
tried to read it in a desktop and the entire disk was all zeros. They
did it right, gang! You can't read a Thinkpad disk that has a password
on it unless you know the password.

And I, for one, am very glad of that!

Paul Khoury wrote:
> On Mon, 17 Nov 1997 22:16:13 -0700, Steve Hultquist wrote:
> >The only solution for a harddrive password is knowing it and removing
> >it. If you don't know it, the hdd is useless; buy a new one.
> >--
> What about trying a low level format?  Because that would typically erase more
> than a high level format would.
Steve Hultquist, President                   Worldwide Solutions, Inc.
the practical network and systems experts            Boulder, Colorado
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