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Re: 750P making funny noise... =(

On Fri, 21 Nov 1997, Kata Koppel wrote:

> My used and just out of warranty 750P has decided to start making a really
> annoying whirring/electronic-y  noise.  It sounds a lot like a fan that is
> noisy, but it's coming from the side of my HD and I'm afraid the HD may be
> the culprit.  It varies in intensity, sometimes very loud, others not so
> loud, but it starts as soon as I turn my computer on.
> Help!  Any ideas?

The other assessments are correct.  Your hard drive is trying to
throw a bearing.  My 750 did this.  The drive was an OEM I'd
installed in the caddy so warranty service was not an option.  I
shoved the machine in a drawer (to muffle the sound) and used it
as a network server.  It ran for about 6 months before the drive
finally quit on me (with the whirring sound slowly increasing
to a grinding sound).

DON'T take that as a sign you should not hurry - these things
vary.  It could die tomorrow, it could die a year from now. 
Backup and look into buying a new drive.  Since your caddy will
still be usable, you can just buy a new 2.5" drive and use your
old caddy.  Shouldn't be more than a couple hundred dollars.

John H. Kim