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RE: 701c Owner's Manual and misc

** notes below
Ciao, Tom 
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
FROM:Tom Trottier, MBA  Senior Technical Architect
     (+1 613 236-6604x5539  fax:232-5182
     :ttrottier@shl.com  http://www.shl.com
Ottawa Global Delivery Centre, SHL Systemhouse Co.
*50 O'Connor St. Suite 501, Ottawa K1P 6L2 Canada

>From: 	Lewis Mills[SMTP:lmills@socket.net]
>Sent: 	1997 December 02 - Tuesday 10:10
>To: 	Larry Larsen
>Cc: 	thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
>Subject: 	Re: 701c Owner's Manual and misc
>Hi Larry, 
>I'm pretty sure the user's manual can be ordered from
>http://direct.boulder.ibm.com/us/parts.  I don't have the part number
>for the manual here, but I would think they could find it for you.  If
>not, email me and I'll look it up.  One of the best things about
>ordering from IBM Direct is that shipping is fast and cheap.
>Larry Larsen wrote:
>> Hello fellow TP Users:
>> Please, can anyone out there:
>> 1.  Tell me where to get a 701c owner's manual on-line, by faxback or by
>> mail?
>> 2.  Tell me how to resume after the 701c has gone into sleep mode?  Is
>> it Fn-F1?

Just Fn should work

>> 3.  Tell me  how to delete Office 97 (preinstalled) if  don't have the
>> CD.  I want to have Office 4.3 instead.

In Settings, Control Panel, Add/Remove programs, Uninstall, there should
be an entry for "Microsoft Office 97".

>> By the way, FaxworksVoice, specially modified for the 701, is now at the
>> IBM TP internet site.  It is is the old 3.1 version but I believe it
>> works with '95.  I had been looking for this for a while.
>> Thanks very much!  I rarely need help from all of you out there and
>> enjoy being part of the forum.  Any replies will be greatly appreciated.
>> Best regards,
>> Larry Larsen
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