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RE: IBM mouse II & port replicator for thinkpad

"F. Rodriguez" <MagicFab@BigFoot.Com> wrote:

>I went to a local IBM dealer and found out about a port replicator for my 365XD
>It seemed rather fragile and had a wrist rest, cost about $270 (canadian,
>which is about U$200).
>Also saw a very cute little IBM BLACK mouse for thinkpads. Anyone seen those
>around? The price was CAN$70 (about U$50!). Seems a little expensive to me
>but hey, dont we all want black stuff to match our babies?

This note is probably old news but the other day I was in "Big Lots" which
sells allot of closeout merchandise.

On a carousel I found a neat little mouse made by a company called
"Fellows". It's not black (4 different colors) but is small enough to fit in
the palm of your hand. 

I had to take it apart and straighten one of the tabs on the "right click"
button (Made in China) but it works great with the Thinkpad and is small
enough to look like it was made for it.

Not a bad deal for $5.00 .



   .'/,-Y"     "~-.         James Seabolt -----> mailto:jseabolt@preferred.com
   l.Y             ^.       Webpage: http://pages.preferred.com/~jseabolt
   /\               _\_      
  i            ___/"   "\   United States 
  |          /"   "\   o ! 
  l         ]     o !__./
   \ _  _    \.___./    "~\            1980 Fiat 2000 Spider (injected)
    X \/ \            ___./            1981 Fiat X 1/9 (also injected)
   ( \ ___.   _..--~~"   ~`-.          1994 Jeep Wrangler (2.5 liter)
    ` Z,--   /               \         and 10 more cars if I had the space...
      \__.  (   /       ______)
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         Y   \          /
         |    "x______.^        "Nobody needs more than 640K"
         |           \                      Bill Gates, 1981
         j            Y
