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Re: x2 PCMCIA modems for 701C

On Sat, 27 Dec 97 23:43:51 , you wrote:
>But wouldn't the X-Jack have a higher likelihood of breaking?  That has
>always been my impression, other than convience.
	Nope, I've mistakenly stood up with an x-jack still connected, and
it's pulled the card from the laptop without hurting the jack. In
fact, I've had two problems with these in about 3 years, both
resulting in the modem replaced for free:
	My PPI (now in a friend's possession) had the little copper wires
that connect to the phone break. This was apparently common for my
model at the time, and Practical Peripherals fixed it without batting
an eye.
	Later, the jack in the modem wouldn't stay in, about a year later.
Worked fine, just would always stick out. I only sent it in because at
the time, my model was too old for the downloadable upgrade to 33.6.
They replaced it again, and the replacement was made later so I could
perform the flash.
	The USR/Mhz has never had a problem, despite it's being bent from
when a guest dropped it, then stepped on it. The modem made all sorts
of fun crackly sounds, and remains creased to this day. But it's
worked fine ever since.
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Laptops: Kiwi 680TX and IBM Thinkpad 560