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Performance specs for TP701

The posting that came thru yesterday which reported Norton benchmarks for
TP701s struck me as very strange.   As I recall, the posting reported
Norton SI ratings of 4.0 for a basic 701,  and then 6.7 for a "Souped-Up'
701, one runnig with an AMD586 chip (I inadvertently zapped the posting....)
The performance numbers posted prompted me to load Norton Utilities 3.0 on
my trusty little 701 to see what my machine would do.

My machine:   701 with 75mhz cpu, 24 megs of RAM, running on AC power,
Win95, & the original 720-meg hard drive.

My Norton rating:   6.8.  The base is a 386sx, which rates a 1.0.

I don't understand the numbers the gentleman posted yesterday.  Was he
running off battery power?

Did I miss something?

Bob Munzenrider
Penn State Harrisburg