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Re: Performance specs for TP701

At 12:21 PM 1/4/98 -0500, Robert Munzenrider wrote:
>Perhaps the variation is due to my using Norton version 3.0.  One other
>possibility comes to mind: do you have a 701/50mhz?

	No.  Almost identical specs as you had--75 MHz, 24 MB RAM, etc.

>Now that you mention it, I do dimly recall something in the Norton
>documentation about how the benchmarks aren't comparable across Norton
>version.????  Something such.  Unfortunately, mine was a "Borrowed" version
>of Norton and I don't have the docs..., but it is the 3.0 version...
>I'll be curious what kind of ratings you'll get with Norton 3.0

	3.0 for Windows 95, or the DOS version?

Randal J. Whittle		whittle@usc.edu	(213) 740-7775
Director, Electronic Commerce Program
Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California