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RE: TP560 -- extend warranty?

I'm purchasing a 2 yr. extension for $198 from IBM.  They offered only 2
or 4 yr.  I have not verified if it applies internationally, but it does
include EasyServ domestic.

Charles Swartz

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Sergiu Hart [SMTP:hart@math.huji.ac.il]
> Sent:	Tuesday, January 13, 1998 2:43 AM
> To:	thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
> Subject:	TP560 -- extend warranty?
> []
> my one year warranty on the 560 ends this month.  did anyone extend
> it?
> how much it costs?  is it international, or only local as i am being
> told
> by ibm/usa ?
> bye,
> 	--sergiu--
>  -------------------------------------
>     http://www.ma.huji.ac.il/~hart
>  -------------------------------------