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Re: Hitachi HDs, asst'd thoughts, was RE: Thinkpad 770

On Thu, 15 Jan 1998 20:43:50 -0500, Axel Hartmann wrote:

>>Actually, after I suffered from the lies about this multitasking crap that
>>Windows 3.x/95 promises, I told myself I'd never return, and all this Windows
>>95 stuff hasn't been too siginifcant to me anyways.
>>None of my computers run a M$-O$!
>Thank you for you novel thoughts. Could we please reduce the OS-War snippets
>to Thinkpad related or at least very funny comments?
Okay, sorry.

>I believe it is mentioned in the welcoming message by now that PK does not
>appreciate Microsoft products. Especially long time listmembers do not need
>be reminded more than, say, every month or so.

Just be thankful I'm not the Speaker of the House, voting the anti-Microsoft

Speaking of Bill, just be glad he isn't pres of the US, either.

Okay, back to business.

>On another thread, my TP701 needs a bigger HD. Does anyone have any 
>experience with Hitachi 2.5" 12mm drives, or should I stick with Toshiba?
>I have no fear of the Butterfly's drives falling out, btw. ;)
I think that the 701's components are very sturdy, though I do like
the opening keyboard.

I just hope I'm not the only one here who does, though.


Paul Khoury
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