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Re: Heat buildup with lid closed?

Thanks for the sanity check, guys.  I thought it was too weird for words
when I read it.  I've worked with any number of different ThinkPad models
and have *never* had anyone report this kind of problem to me nor had I
ever seen anything crop up on the list about it.  I knew you could fry eggs
on the bottom of the early 760's, but once they put the thermal patch on,
you could actually hold the thing in your lap for a while.  And I never
heard anyone say the heat damaged a hard drive or other components.

I don't particularly like the Armada line because of the CTFT screen
quality and Compaq support, but in their defense, Compaq builds a solid
product overall.

The 77xx line has a superior keyboard to the current crop of ThinkPads,
IMHO.  It has the solid feel that the 75x keyboards had and has their
version of a pointing stick.  (The screen sucks.)

Their 15xx line is a better overall design than the 380 TPs.  The palm rest
is slanted, and I have less of a feeling that I'm typing with my hands 6"
off the desk.  They need to lose the touchpad and put a better keyboard on
it, though.  (And do something about the screen.)

At 05:26 AM 1/23/98 EST, Robert Dewar wrote:

>Obviously it is intended that you can run with the lid closed, otherwise
>why would the TP configuration have the option of not suspending when
>the lid is closed. I have run many models of the thinkpad with the lid
>closed with no problems at all.

And at 08:33 PM 1/22/98 -0800, Paul Khoury wrote:

>I think that the heat must have affected either the embedded servo, the drive
>electronics, or both.

>Also, it seems that IBM must put the CPU on the bottom.  I never saw it
when I 
>disassembled my 701, and I know for a fact the the 355's CPU is on the
>This, and the power inverter (and the battery when charging up) usually
get to be the 
>hottest, but I think the heat is funneled more to the bottom of the
machine than the top,
>because the top rarely seems to be very warm.

>Maybe Compaq poorly designed their Armada line.