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At 08:46 AM 1/23/98 EST, Robert Dewar wrote:

>By current crop here do you mean the 770?
>The 770 has a new keyboard which is *very* different from, and *much*
>better than, the 76x keyboards (at least that is my opinion, keyboards
>are very personal things). It is also a very quiet keyboard, nice for

Yes, I do include the 770 in that.  I had two 770's here for a few weeks
doing evals on them, and while it is true that the 770 keyboards are *far*
superior to the 76x keyboards, I still don't think they're as good as the
ones on the 75x series.

And you're right, keyboards as well as pointing devices and screens (and
ice cream and cars and TV programs) are very personal things, so... YMMV!
