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[Intro] New List Member

Hello all TP users out there. I just discovered this list and the
auto-response suggested that I introduce myself and describe my ThinkPad.
So, here goes.

My name is Tim Foreman and I am the Enginering Manager at a plastic
injection mold shop called American Mold & Engineering. I bought my
ThinkPad in October as a sort of early birthday present to myself. (It's
actually a bday, xmas, bday, xmas, bday present. ;-)

My ThinkPad is a 365X with a 133MHz cpu, 1.0 GB Harddrive, 40 MB RAM and
the Dual Scan screen.

I accessorized it right away with an Addonics PocketCD 10X CD-ROM, a Pretek
33.6 Modem card, a ZipDrive Adaptor and a NIC.

The Addonics CD-ROM is a really slick unit that has built-in NiCad
batteries and draws power from the PCMCIA slot. There is no power adapter.
I really like it and would reccomend it.

The modem is pretty nice. It was cheap and almost always connects at 33.6
so I like it.

The Zip drive adapter also has NiCad batteries in it and thus can run the
Zip drive with no power supply. I can reccomend this too.

The NIC is a generic 10 base T card. What can I say? It works.

Over all, I really like my ThinkPad. The only complaint that I have is that
the screen only displays 256 colors, but I can get over that.

I got it used for what I considered a super-deal.

That's all for now. Hope I didn't ramble on too long.

Timothy W. Foreman -- Engineering Manager
American Mold & Engineering Co., Minneapolis MN