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Re: Traveling overseas with TP560

On Tue, 10 Feb 1998 at 11:35 AM you, "David Ross" <ross@math.hawaii.edu>,

>Your adapter will work fine on 240/50 current, but you'll need plug
>converters because the UK and French wall sockets are shaped differently
>than those in the US.  (Question for European listers: is there a common
>plug/socket specification part of the European Union?)  You can buy
>fairly universal kits for $10-$20 at drugstores, department stores, radio
>shacks, etc here, or you can wait until you're there.

No, almost every single country in Europe has their own plug/socket
implementation (you have to keep all those national bureaucrats busy
setting their own standards). In France you may even find two different
ones: old and new. Even in the Nordic countries (which are otherwise among
the most advanced in the telecommunication field) the standards are

However, many hotels (especially the newer ones) have phones with a
detachable cord and a US-style jack, in which case you only need to unplug
the cord from the phone and connect it to your modem.

Cheaper and older hotels usually have a fixed cord. I have even seen
hotels where the cord is nailed into the wall right next to the socket so
you won't even try to unplug it (assumably for fear the whole phone would
be stolen ...).

It's probably a good idea to buy the universal kits at home or at the
airport beforehand.

Some large ISPs have global agreements with foreign ISPs that let you dial
to a local number wherever you are (international calls are significantly
more expensive in Europe and hotels usually transform them into true

Dominique Pivard <domi@kenavo.fi>
Helsinki, Finland