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Re: Thinkpad 360C Hot Rodding

On Thu, 19 Feb 1998, peter machule  TRIUMF TISOL GROUP wrote:

> No ! Bioses above 1.4X (TP 750 family) should be good for 8.4Gig
> BUT  The older HD's in the TP defaulted to master mode with NO jumper, new
> ones need a jumper
> or a bit of solder across the pins to look the same.
> Or was it the other way around (grin)
> This was mentioned some time ago ......somewhere in the archieves .
> IBM's mess of a web page does give pinouts for the HD's . Anything above the
> 540 was/is
> slightly different.

Any tips for finding this on IBM's web site?  I've been beating on IBM's
web pages for a week with no luck. 

Stephen Amadei
Director of MIS
Dandy Connections, Inc.
Atlantic City, NJ