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Re: ThinkPad 770 Screen Problems

On Fri, 6 Mar 1998 19:30:18 -0500, Drew Gazey wrote:

>>I'm surprised that IBM can't even make drivers to support their own operating
>   OS/2 device drivers for the Thinkpad 770 can be found at:
>     http://www3.pc.ibm.com/techinfo/417e.html
>>What video chipset is on the 770 anyways?
>    Trident CYBER9397 PCI

Hmm, it's too bad, because I hear that Trident has lousy OS/2 support.

>>And what PCMCIA chipset does it have?
>    TI PCI-1250 Cardbus controllers
What about the device driver site though?  Or is the ThinkPad
site the one with the most current drivers?

Paul Khoury   <pkhoury@loop.com>  http://pkhoury.dyn.ml.org
(the above url only works when the server is running)
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